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Celebrate a nation of diverse readers with these recommended books, authors, and teaching resources.
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cover of Rainbow Hands book

Rainbow Hands

illustrated by Jo Loring-Fisher

A young boy expresses his moods, showing his individuality and navigating his emotions through the different colors he paints his nails.
cover of Rainbow Hands book

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The boy in Rainbow Hands uses different colors of nail polish to express himself and how he is feeling. Talk with students about how they express themselves, asking how colors are part of that expression.

Have students create their own rainbow of colors. Instead of using just the traditional colors of the rainbow, have them use any colors that are meaningful to them and that represent emotions they often feel. Ask them to give the colors they chose creative names and explain what kind of mood or feeling each color represents. Have them share their ideas for how they might use these colors to express themselves.

Questions for Discussion or Reflective Writing

  1. How do the different family members react to the boy painting his nails? How does the boy respond to these reactions?
  2. Why is it important to the boy to paint colors on his nails rather than on paper as his father suggests? How do you like to express yourself? Do you feel free to express yourself however you want to?
  3. When the boy feels many different emotions at once, he paints his nails different colors. What do you do on the days when you feel overwhelmed with emotions?
  4. Which color from the book expresses how you are feeling today? Why do you relate to that color?

Related Resources

Rainbow Hands coloring page
Book trailer for Rainbow Hands by Mamta Nainy
Creating Mood with Warm and Cool Colors from the Frist Art Museum

Celebrate a nation of diverse readers with these recommended books, authors, and teaching resources.

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